Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Started New Diet. 3.0 Hit 312 Pounds

Well on November  21st I went to doctors appointment and weighed in at 312 pounds, the most I've ever weighed and 20 pounds more than my last weigh in. The next morning I weighed myself without clothing and weighed 306 pounds.  I find my morning, post ablution, naked weight is most consistent and accurate.  So I decided to do my 3rd diet/exercise regime of my life.  The first in 1999 losing 75 pounds (over 8 months) and the second in 2009 losing 92 pounds (over 9 months).  My goal for this weight loss is 80-90 pounds, again over 8 to 9 months.  I was 230 pounds at the beginning of 2018 and then had 8 months of several life threatening medical conditions requiring several ER visits and hospital stays.  this led to my stopping to exercise and most of my weight gain. I started my weight loss, that day November 22nd.

I essentially have repeated my regime from the last 2 diets/exercise. 

For dieting I have cut back to a 1200-1500 calorie diet.  I have cut back or eliminated everything white: Flour (pasta & bread), rice, potatoes and sugar.  I also will eliminate fried foods.  When eating out I ask for half the meal to be wrapped to go before it even comes to me.  With desserts I have one fork full and am satisfied.  I eat 4 to 6 fruits a day usually a banana, tangerine, handful of carrots and salad &/or cooked veggies.  I have continue to eat meat and fish.

For exercise I have resumed my power walking (125-150 steps per minute) and will resume my stair climbing when I reach my walking goal of  4.2 miles daily.  I'm after 2 weeks at 3 miles daily taking about 35 to 40 minutes of walking.

Now the great news.  I'm only 19 days into my program and have lost 14 pounds (even though Thanksgiving was in there).  I have not felt hungry and have been satisfied with my meals.  I already feel my body is more limber, has less aches and I've tightened my bely two notches. YEY!!!!

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